"Night of the Living Animated Dead features the voice talents of Josh Duhamel (Jupiter's Legacy, Transformers), as Harry Cooper, Dulé Hill (The West Wing, Psych), as Ben, Katharine Isabelle (Ginger Snaps) as Barbara, James Roday Rodriguez (A Million Little Things, Psych) as Tom, Katee Sackhoff (The Mandalorian, Battlestar Galactica) as Judy, Will Sasso (MadTV) as Sheriff McClelland, Jimmi Simpson (Westworld) as Johnny and Nancy Travis (Last Man Standing) as Helen Cooper," a press release reads. Night of the Animated Dead Box Art, Photo Credit: Warner Bros. Home Entertainment also revealed the cast of the movie and the film's box art. The movie will be released in a Blu-ray combo pack and as a DVD.Īlongside news of these release dates, Warner Bros. More specifically, Night of the Animated Dead will be released digitally on September 21 and then on physical media starting on October 5.
(farmhouse) (demolished) 17 of 18 found this interesting Interesting Yes No. Evans City Cemetery, Evans City, Pennsylvania, USA. Showing all 15 items Jump to: Filming Locations (13) Filming Dates (1) Production Dates (1) Filming Locations.
Night of the Animated Dead is an animated reimagining of George Romero's 1968 classic, Night of the Living Dead, and it will be released digitally next month. Night of the Living Dead (1968) Filming & Production.